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Oliva Wikner Photography


Implications (work-in-progress) is an abstract, process-based dance piece born out of Ashlee's long-term residency at QL2 Dance. The first draft of this work, a duet with Beth Lane, was performed at the Canberra Theatre's Courtyard Studio as part of You Are Here's Cahoots Lab 2023. Implications invites audiences to connect the witnessing of human movement to their own embodied experiences.

"The first development was a big experiment in taking 2 years of solo improvisation practice, adding in another thinking body, and intentionally crafting an engaging experience for an audience. We challenged our attentional endurance as we moved through scores designed to elicit certain tones and textures in our bodies. We also trialled ways to integrate text into the piece, otherwise for the moment we have been working without sound, hoping to create space for audiences to access their own, limitless interpretations."

QL2 Showing, 2023, Olivia Wikner Photography

Choreographed by Ashlee Bye & Beth Lane

Mentor Sara Black

Supported by ArtsACT, QL2 Dance and You Are Here Canberra

Presented at Cahoots Lab 2023 at Canberra Theatre Centre's Courtyard Studio

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